Monday, April 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen continued...

ABC Interview:

My Interview:

My Interview Questions:
What do you think of the latest news about Charlie sheen?
Do you think that he needs psychiatric help?
What do you think about Brooke Mueller taking his kids away?
What do you think made Charlie the way that he is today?
Were you a fan of Two and a Half Men? and Why/Why not?
Did you believe all of these stories that were circulating around Charlie
What made you believe the stories? Were you surprised when he admitted that
everything was true from what the tabloids were saying?
If you were his friend, what would you say to him to make him stop what he
was doing?
What do you think will happen if he continues to do the drugs?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Justin's "Wilde" Night

Justin Timberlake has been paired up with many females throughout his career.

Justin Timberlake split with his girlfriend of about 4 years Jessica Biel earlier this month. He was spotted with a group of friends and Olivia Wilde on Saturday night at Roxbury, L.A.

Justin and Olivia are filming a movie together called 'Now'. So of course since they go out together it automatically means that they are together. But Olivia quickly tweeted a comeback to the media tweeting  "Cool it, honeybadgers. We are just friends and have been for years."

Olivia was married for 8 years until just recently she filed for a divorce. They worked together in another movie, Alpha Dog. So they could have been just catching up with each other.

If this turns out to be something more than co-workers, it won't be long until we all find out.